Sunday, December 13, 2009

Want to get motivated about your fitness? Set new goals!

I’ve been doing Beachbody for 2 years now and it definitely made a tremendous impact on my life, my health and the health of my family. I’ve lost 10 pounds and tons of inches and learned a great many things about fitness, nutrition and myself. I have met a lot of wonderful people and made a lot of friends. But lately I was looking through the progress pictures of the Million Dollar Body winners and the thought occurred to me: I have not made any progress to speak of for a year now. Yes, I ate a healthy balanced diet and exercised regularly. I stayed at the impressive 136 pound mark on the scale and, on most days, fit into size 6 jeans. But these winners went further than that and they looked superb!

What was I missing? When I let myself meditate on the subject the explanation came to me – I achieved my old goal; I achieved it a year ago and since then I have not set a new goal for myself to work towards! I realized that I was not even sure I really wanted or could lose more body fat. I was not sure if I had the energy and a metabolism to achieve that, and was not even sure if I’d look good if I did. Very likely I just used these doubts as an excuse. When I said it all out loud, it was one of those “ah-ha” moments that, unfortunately, do not happen to me often enough. It became clear to me that, hesitation and all, I still wished to look as great as these folks or people in Oxygen magazine, but I was not working toward it. I had a dream, not a goal! Wow!

Admittedly, last year was a turbulent one, with worries about the economy and jobs, but I still was working out, even though it was not clear to me what I was working towards. Of course, retrospective vision is always 20-20, but there is still an important question to consider: had I had a goal, wouldn’t I have done better? I think I would have. Lesson learned.
Right now I am so glad I know where I am and I am glad I know where I want to go. I am grateful for the “ah-ha” moment and what it taught me. And yes - you guessed it - I have a new goal!

Here it is:

I want to be 130 by 8 A.M. on May 14th and I want submit my success story to the Million Dollar Body Game. This is no longer just a nice idea, wishful thinking, or a dream. This is a concrete goal and I am planning to stick to it!
Watch my progress and cheer me on. Or, if you think I am crazy, don’t cheer me on but watch my progress anyway. I am not new to the process but I am new to the goals set in stone, and that makes me exhilarated. I hope it rubs off on you too!

Bring it!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Clean eating diet - is it only for people with tremendous will power?

For someone just starting examining their daily diet a prospect of eating from top two tears of the Mich’s Ladder can look like a daunting task requiring immense will power. Recently I started an on-line clean-eating challenge. One of the participants, a very motivated woman, said : “I can definitely understand why eating from the top 2 tiers(Mich’s Ladder) is working for everyone! I’ve got to say, I have a TON of respect for the will power you people have.“ To which I replied: “It has nothing to do with will power” and I meant it...
In spite of its tremendous health benefits, one cannot switch over to eating clean overnight. The process of cleaning your diet of junk has to be gradual and deliberate. Going “cold turkey” with diet will only make you feel deprived, and all your determination and will power won’t be able to sustain you for a long enough time to achieve any results. So, as with any habit change, you have to give yourself time and not aim for perfection at the start. Gradually find healthy substitutes for the unhealthy daily staples. It can be done by going from BK hamburger to lean chicken patties, from generic white bun to multi-grain one, from eating a bowl of ice cream with sprinkles to eating a cup of yogurt sprinkled with sugar-free all natural multi-grain serial, and enjoying it just as much! Impossible? Believe me, it is very doable for any person who wants to turn their diet around! Here’s why: our taste buds are adaptable! Our body needs basic building blocks: protein, carbs and fats. As long as it gets a reasonable amount of these, it will adjust! Here’s my favorite example: if you are used to drinking whole milk then at first reduced fat or fat free milk will taste watery to you. But give it a few weeks, and the whole milk will taste too rich, while reduced fat milk will be just what doctor ordered (well, mine did, anyway). Finding healthy substitutes will require some creativity on your part, and some things you may not be able to let go completely – so once in a while you can let yourself enjoy a treat – be it an ice-cream cone or a burger or fried onion rings. Let a little steam out and next day back to clean eating again!

To summarize, here are the things you need to do to clean up your daily diet:

- Come up with healthy substitutes for unhealthy food you eat now
- Don’t aim at perfect diet; slip-ups are OK.
- For hard to let go favorites allow a snack once in a while.
- If you fail off the clean-eating due to travel or holiday, get back on track without beating yourself up. Practice makes perfect.
- Remember - you are worth the effort!

Bring it!