Sunday, December 13, 2009

Want to get motivated about your fitness? Set new goals!

I’ve been doing Beachbody for 2 years now and it definitely made a tremendous impact on my life, my health and the health of my family. I’ve lost 10 pounds and tons of inches and learned a great many things about fitness, nutrition and myself. I have met a lot of wonderful people and made a lot of friends. But lately I was looking through the progress pictures of the Million Dollar Body winners and the thought occurred to me: I have not made any progress to speak of for a year now. Yes, I ate a healthy balanced diet and exercised regularly. I stayed at the impressive 136 pound mark on the scale and, on most days, fit into size 6 jeans. But these winners went further than that and they looked superb!

What was I missing? When I let myself meditate on the subject the explanation came to me – I achieved my old goal; I achieved it a year ago and since then I have not set a new goal for myself to work towards! I realized that I was not even sure I really wanted or could lose more body fat. I was not sure if I had the energy and a metabolism to achieve that, and was not even sure if I’d look good if I did. Very likely I just used these doubts as an excuse. When I said it all out loud, it was one of those “ah-ha” moments that, unfortunately, do not happen to me often enough. It became clear to me that, hesitation and all, I still wished to look as great as these folks or people in Oxygen magazine, but I was not working toward it. I had a dream, not a goal! Wow!

Admittedly, last year was a turbulent one, with worries about the economy and jobs, but I still was working out, even though it was not clear to me what I was working towards. Of course, retrospective vision is always 20-20, but there is still an important question to consider: had I had a goal, wouldn’t I have done better? I think I would have. Lesson learned.
Right now I am so glad I know where I am and I am glad I know where I want to go. I am grateful for the “ah-ha” moment and what it taught me. And yes - you guessed it - I have a new goal!

Here it is:

I want to be 130 by 8 A.M. on May 14th and I want submit my success story to the Million Dollar Body Game. This is no longer just a nice idea, wishful thinking, or a dream. This is a concrete goal and I am planning to stick to it!
Watch my progress and cheer me on. Or, if you think I am crazy, don’t cheer me on but watch my progress anyway. I am not new to the process but I am new to the goals set in stone, and that makes me exhilarated. I hope it rubs off on you too!

Bring it!

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