Monday, October 6, 2008

Day 1 : Core Synergetic :" I am a rabbit!"

First Day of P90X – Core Synergetic!
I did not preview Core Synergistics in advance. Or maybe I did preview in a scan mode and did not get any impression, I am not exactly sure now. As it stands it was a complete surprise! A good surprise, though. I did feel at times that I am warming up out with a bunch of trapeze artist. All the strange floor exercises were so new and exotic. But I am grateful I did not feel like I was on some scary roller coaster about to throw up. But maybe this is coming next. I don’t know. I am totally kidding, by the way!
So, Core Synergistics works all parts of your body. Tony constantly reminds to engage the core. Well, today I was too overwhelmed by the newness of all the movements and trying to replicate my version all them in the very limited space I have not occupied by boxes filled by my kitchen utensils, dishes and various other implements that focusing on my core was a bit challenging. I took a mental note about that. Now I wrote about it so as I move through the days all of it does not become a blur and I learn and improve.
How difficult is Core Synergistics? Generally, I did not feel like I was totally out of my league, but considering that I am not a champion in the push-ups department - those were difficult for me! Plus the push-ups were weird. Asymmetrical. You really got to see the tape to know what I mean! But I knew that push-ups are not my strong suite and I need to work on that, so I cannot be too ambitious at the start of the program. The alternative would be to keep doing other programs, and frankly I was getting bored with that. So I am happy to do as many reps as I can, like a big girl, and build up slowly.
Speaking of building up, I was really bad at recording reps in the past. I want to improve that so I can see progress. I am sure it would be an encouraging thing to do. I mean I will see that I improve and stuff. And I feel like a scientist, organized, methodical and systematic. And I will feel like a lab rat at the same time. Well, maybe not a rat, but a rabbit. Yes. A rabbit is a better mental image.
So, here we go.
The scientist’s log entry:
“Tomorrow’s experiment for the rabbit is Cardio X. I can’t wait how the rabbit will react. I am sure you cannot wait either! The rabbit needs the restful night sleep before the experiment. Good night, Rabbit!”
Good night, you all! Bring it!

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