Sunday, October 5, 2008

P90X - Day 0

The wait is over. I am starting P90X tomorrow!!!

Here's were I am right now: I was training for almost 10 months and in the middle of August I fell into slump – I just had to stop and give myself a break. Going through a messy renovation did not help the fact that I was not getting enough rest between the rounds. I will try and take more than just one rest week between rounds. And another lesson learned – stress is a huge factor in my life and I have to actively manage it! I have a few thoughts on that that I hope address in the near future as well.

I don’t think that stopping for a several weeks threw me back in any major way – for the most part I was eating within my maintenance calories and my weight (135-138) stayed the same. But I am getting too cozy with sleeping late and my eating is starting to deteriorate so it is time to get back on a horse!

I just had a conversation with my friend Peg Tyre - check her bestselling book The Trouble with Boys at She gave me a boost as far as my positive influence on her with fitness, dealing with age-related symptoms and life in general. This is not the first time she tells me that, and but frankly I am dumbstruck when I hear it!!! When I asked her to clarify what exactly she sees in me, she said that what important to her is my life philosophy of thriving to be fit without trying to be a super-woman . I never thought of myself in that light, but I guess I should trust her opinion, because I generally do!

Strangely, I am having trepidation right now because I want to start P90X and I built some image in my head that this is like some sort of major tough race, like a marathon, or something. It is probably not much harder then Slim Series, just a bit different. I know I need to exercise and stay focused, I know I will do it and I know I will be grateful when I complete this challenge and proud of myself and others on this way with me!!!

So, ladies and gentlemen, I'll be honest with you - I am not an energizer bunny. I am planning to ease into the routine, start nice and slow, but then finish it with a bang!

My goals are – to keep building strength, to get as fit as I can and feel in control of my body! I want to know that I’ve done my best to be healthy for myself, my family and the society – because, in the end, each individual's health impacts all of us collectively!

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